Conclusion Dialog


You chose to invest time, knowledge, energy, and patience in building your marriage, and now own a significant accomplishment! You are enlightened about effective marital communication, how it works and what it can potentially bring to your marriage.

Now enjoy outstanding results as you continue to apply and review your developing skills. 

In 30 days, I recommend you retake the Marriage Mirror at no additional cost and be encouraged by your progress. 

  • You may retake the Marriage Mirror as often as you like for one full year.  We encourage you to do so. Your progress will motivate you to keep going and the results will amaze you. 
  • To reset the Marriage Mirror for a retake, email your request to
  • If you desire personal consulting, email us at the same address and for a fee, I, or one of my associates, will review your Marriage Mirror with you.

God intended to make marriage beautiful and He wants to continue to beautify your marriage. 

He recorded this promise for you in the Bible to encourage you: 

“Don’t let yourself get fatigued doing what is best. If you don’t give up, you will get the positive results.” 

– Galatians 6:9

Ask God to help you and He will! 

  • Art Robertson, Ph.D.,  Marriage Mirror