Arthur K. Robertson and Roger B. Petersen Comedian and television pioneer, Milton Berle (1989, 399) stated: “Half of the jokes in the history of the world have been about married people.” Examine three examples: “I have no trouble meeting expenses. My husband is always introducing me to them.” “Married men do not live longer than […]
Break A Habit That Breaks Up Marriages
There are no uninteresting subjects. There are only uninterested people.—GK Chesterton Here’s a secret that will help your marriage and employment. People with the widest interests are the most successful and interesting people and potentially the best listeners. Poor communicators have a very narrow list of interests, and frequently limit their professional development and marital […]
A Tale of Two Managers
Barb and Bob worked in the same office, and both were considered by many to be on the fast track to the top of ABC Company. They were hard workers and about the same age, in their mid-thirties. The pair had made equally significant contributions to enhance the profits of their company. Furthermore, they had […]
Effective Communication Improves Marriage and Family Life
More than 90 percent of the managers and professionals in our effective listening workshops were more interested in improving communication at home than at work. Divorce statistics disguise the widespread desire for harmonious, satisfying relationships at home. If effective communication increases productivity and satisfaction on a job that will end in retirement, what might it […]
Effective Communication is Good For Your Health
To be human is to communicate – to talk, listen, and respond to other human beings. But this constant dialogue has a DRAMATIC EFFECT ON OUR BODIES, ESPECIALLY ON THE HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS. In his path-breaking work, “The Language of the Heart,” Dr. James J. Lynch conclusively demonstrates for the first time how simple […]
Understanding Facial Expressions
The face is the primary site for the display of feelings and nonverbal effects. In unmasking the face, A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Expressions, Paul Ekman and William V. Friesen provide research that supports and expands on the observations of Charles Darwin. Darwin believed that facial expressions were transcultural. Ekman and Friesen confirmed […]