How can I communicate effectively to have a happier marriage?
Let’s look at how the Marriage Mirror process works.
Marital research dispels all doubt: couples that communicate effectively consistently report greater marital satisfaction. These couples are healthier, happier, positively influence other couples, and consequently may possibly live longer.
The main flow of the Marriage Mirror is to work through three sections (Listening, Speaking, and Environment – about 2 hours each) with similar steps for each section (and time – days or weeks – between each section to work your Action Plans):
- Speaking Section – step in using your new-found knowledge regarding speaking in your relationship
- Your Self-Assessment, Partner-Assessment (10 min) – you alone.
Your Partner’s Self and Partner Assessment (10 min) – your partner alone. - Marriage Mirror Reviews (45 min) – discuss together.
- Action Plans (45 min) – fill in together.
- On Your Own (A few days to three weeks) – Do the good work! Take time to work on your Speaking Action Plans together.
- Your Self-Assessment, Partner-Assessment (10 min) – you alone.
Couples with poor communication are often caught in a vicious cycle where poor communication contributes to marital dissatisfaction, which in turn further hinders the ability to successfully communicate. The cycle, when not corrected, continues to degrade the relationship.
Effective communication is not a natural skill and often we are unaware of the behaviors that hinder us. The Marriage Mirror identifies your “blind spots” by showing you the things you are doing well and reinforcing them while pinpointing behavior that can be improved and showing you how to change it.
At each step, you and your partner will have the ability to develop a Shared Action Plan that will lead you through a proven process to communication success.
Access to the Marriage Mirror will be yours for an entire year providing an opportunity for you to retake the Mirror, reinforce your learning, and be encouraged by your progress.
As you conduct your own experience with the Marriage Mirror, it is our prayer that you will enjoy the process and the positive results.
Art Robertson, Ph.D., Marriage Mirror